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Client Experiences

3 horse heads

Hannah Peters says:

“Julia offers a unique teaching style and perspective with an important balance in understanding of equine behaviour, learning, and biomechanics. Learning from Julia has allowed me to appreciate my horses’ needs and desires while feeling encouraged in becoming the horse person they deserve. Her ground-up approach is beneficial to anyone hoping to gain insight and skills in supporting their equines’ mental and physical wellbeing, building solid foundations, and providing valuable enrichment. Julia’s approach is essential in developing a “thinking horse” and supporting a partnership which can take you anywhere and everywhere!” 

Saskia Hart says:

“I grew up outside of Halifax and all I ever wanted to do was ride horses. I got to ride two times. And both times were standard somebody-leading-me-around-on-a-bored-pony, but magical for me. My twelve year old mantra became "when I grow up I'm going to own a horse". 


What they DON'T tell you when you are a child is that when you grow up you are old enough to know better. You know that money doesn't grow on trees, you know that you need that car, you know that time is one of your largest assets. Sadly, you figure out that horse-owning and horse-riding and horse-life in general is NOT like on TV. Heartland sunset photos,  liquid-brown horse-eyes staring back at you knowingly, best-friend-feels-- heck even the western jump-on-the-horse-and-move-fast -- are overtaken by the reality of mis-treated or mis-guided horses, horsefly bites that send a horse flying, dangerous holes in the ground that prohibit that moonlight gallop through the fields. You slowly, surely, let go of your dream. 


Or, at least I did. My fantasy of horses was only that. A fantasy.


I'm here to tell you that Julia and her gentle giant Moe resurrected my fantasy in less than an hour. It's hard to find magic as an adult. But I found it that afternoon. And in the process I redefined both horses and myself. I'd tell you more, but that's for YOU to discover. Do it. You won't regret it. 


Live the magic!"

Andrea Bourque says:

“Julia is such a talented practitioner of natural horsemanship.  Her years of developing and continually striving to improve her impressive relationships with her own horses has been such a joy to watch.  Her empathy toward both the horse and the human make her an excellent teacher.  Julia has the skills to help you develop a safe and respectful relationship with your horse so that you can do any of the fun equine sports and activities you have dreamed of with a willing, trusting equine partner.  Playing with horses in this way is so rewarding and so much fun."

Dominique Schmidt says:

“Every time I see Julia work with her horses, I am amazed at the connection and communication that goes on between them.  She has a gift of explaining things that makes me see things in a different perspective.  So whenever I am stuck, she can get me listening to my horse and we can start working through our issues together.”

Amanda Champion says:

“Julia is incredible at breaking down sessions to suit your needs.  She keeps mental and emotional well-being of both human and equine at the forefront.  I highly recommend her if you want to enhance your relationship with your equine, improve your awareness and/or communication skills.  I am extremely grateful to Julia for the additional awareness I develop when I get to play with her and the equines.  Whether for recreational or competition reasons or even for other life activities, the skills you acquire from Julia will help you achieve your goals.  It does not matter your experience level you will come away wanting more.

Linda Stewart says:

“Julia was my first riding instructor.  I decided if I was going to start riding horses in my 40 's I had best learn how!  Julia and I began my lifelong journey with horses. I bought a horse and learned what I did not know very quickly.  We problem solved from horses and my perspectives. We found natural horsemanship, and our perspectives and knowledge grew.   I have seen Julia progress with her learning, understanding and listening. I would recommend Julia to help you go farther than you think you can with your horse. I did!

Darren Champion says:

“I am newbie to riding and have always had a fear of riding a horse but for some reason I don’t with a donkey. So, my wife and I welcomed a mammoth riding donkey into our lives. I started with getting some basic riding advice from my wife but as we all know…. learning from a spouse is not always easy.  I decided that I wanted to learn from an unrelated knowledgeable coach and keep my marriage safe.  I wanted to ensure that I did the best I could for my donkey and myself, so I reached out to Julia.  We have known Julia for years and that she has oodles of experience with horses and donkeys/mules.   She has helped me to understand how my body, its energy and movements affect what my donkey feels and does.  I mentioned to Julia about having issues cleaning out the hooves. She explained and showed me the proper way to do it and inside of 5 minutes I was able to clean Munson's hooves without issue.


 I am very happy with the sessions that I have received from Julia.  She has an amazing way of explaining tasks so that they make sense to me.  I highly recommend Julia if you are looking for someone to help you on your journey!"

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