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About NES

Group of happy Horses & Humans
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Naturally Equisavvy Solutions (NES) offers unique, customized educational opportunities ensuring each client learns about who they really are through the use and play time with equines.  Equines are super sensitive to emotional energies and react accordingly.  Equines sense what we are feeling, sometimes better that we do. This helps humans to identify their own emotions and how they are affecting their own body, other individuals and the immediate situation.

NES will travel to clients’ personal location(s) so that they can play/work with their own equine partner. As well, sessions will be offered at specific locations using NES approved equine partners, and special events/retreats will be held throughout the year.  NES will also offer other services such as consulting and judging of competitions.  Regular session clients will have the opportunity to have weekly sessions that will last a minimum of 1 hour per session but more frequently/longer at the client’s request.  NES educational opportunities will have specialized topics covered in each session with a focus on developing the communication bond. 

NES has structured their educational curriculum around using a profound emphasis on foundational practices. This entails comprehensive learning encompassing equine care, anatomical knowledge, understanding equine energy and psychology, and mastering essential groundwork techniques by guiding the equine from the ground, either with a halter and rope or without any equipment at all.  Ultimately preparing individuals for whatever the selected equine sport avenue they choose including mounted riding.


The NES programs will guide all clients on a successful journey from the very basic step 1 all the way through to high level skills with the focus being on building a solid foundational understanding.  Example:  Think of the human growth cycle: A baby is born, learns to move its head, roll over, sit up, crawl, walk, and finally run.  Without out the baby learning to move its head, it can never learn to do the next steps to their full capability.  This is the same premise for the equestrian sport.  NES will ensure that the client has experienced the basic skills and understands the importance of learning the “feel”.



Equines are more than a 4-legged pet.  Equines include different breeds, mixed breeds and species of the Equus. This includes horses, ponies, donkeys, miniature horses, mules, zebras, and other combinations that have many shades and colors of hair.  Equines don’t judge, aren’t prejudiced about money or social status, don’t care religion or nationality, and they are completely honest with their emotions.  This is my dream and goal for the human race!  NES will be a positive step towards this.



Humans, like equines, need to feel safe, can work and play, need to sleep and eat well, require regular medical care, but most of all, require emotional stability.  The relationship that is built on trust, especially between a prey animal (equine) and a predator animal (human) is heartwarming and mind altering.


Equines are hypersensitive to emotional energies and react accordingly.  They can sense what we are feeling, sometimes better than we do. This helps humans to identify their own emotions and how they are affecting their own body, and other individuals around them and the immediate situation.


Equines, of all breeds, have been used in helping to support humans for as long as they have been exposed to each other but in the early 1970’s, equine-facilitated psychotherapy has become a widely used method for treating many conditions and illnesses.  However, the NES program will focus mainly on the “day to day” and “sport” emotional growth by developing a working, forward thinking conversation between the equine and human.  This type of communication transfers into the human world.


Clients will own their own equine partner(s), lease their own equine partner(s), use NES approved equine partner(s), or be clients who don’t have any equine experience but are wanting to grow their emotional horizons, etc.

Winston S. Churchill says it best....

"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”

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